Take the guess work out of hiring staff.

The Childhood Educator Profile (CEP) is a specialist recruitment tool. Designed exclusively for childcare centres to give you the information you need to improve your hiring processes.

It's simple to implement, cost effective and most importantly is proven to reduce the incidence of bad staff hires.

If you're an Australian (or Kiwi) childcare centre then contact us today and try a free profile. Discover how we can help you to improve staff hiring, reduce your recruitment costs and improve staff tenure.

Dramatically improve your hiring process...

Stop relying (only) on "gut feel"

As you probably know, looking at a candidate's past experience can’t tell you if they're any good at their job. And relying on gut feel shouldn't be your only measure when hiring. We’ve all been fooled during the interview process by that “perfect candidate”, with a nice personality, that ultimately doesn't measure up.

You need to predict the future performance of your Childhood Educators. By using the CEP you will cut down on staff turnover simply by hiring people that have what it takes to be good at the job. You do this by selecting those with the right attitudes and job-specific behaviours. But how do you discover these?

Studies prove that when using an unstructured interview alone, you’ll be able to predict how well your candidate will perform only 36% of the time.

If you formalise the interview process by switching to using a structured interview process, you should be able to predict how well a candidate will perform 51% of the time. Better, but not by that much. you're still getting it wrong half the time. 

You need more data and more information. The CEP provides that, plus the Childhood Educator Profile (CEP) has a proven accuracy rate of 83+%. This has been confirmed by an independent research firm.

Hiring poor performers costs you more than you think...

Bad Hires cost 3 x more

The cost of a bad hire is more than you realise. The recruitment cost of hiring a childhood educator equates to approximately 50% of their wages. Now research has shown that, during the time a bad hire works for you, they’ll cost up to 3 times what a good hire will cost. Here’s why....

Having poor performers on your team de-motivates the good performers. Under-performers complain and are negative in their outlook. Consequently this impacts your good performers, making them more likely to leave because they can’t stand the environment. 

In all likelihood, because you’ve lost your good educators and kept the bad, you’ve also probably lost one or more clients as well. Clients of any childcare business, want consistency in who they deal with, professionalism, the right attitude and competence.

Many of the issues that lead to high staff turnover originate in the selection (hiring) process. They’re not something that DEVELOPS over time. Retention issues only BECOME APPARENT over time. That’s why it’s so important to hire the right people the first time. Those with the right attitudes and job-specific behaviours.

The CEP provides clear hiring recommendations...

Clear 7 Page CEP Report

The CEP will deliver to your inbox a simple 7 page report on the Candidate. The report is broken down into three areas with clear comparison scores and explanatory text.

Overall Performance Prediction

An overall score that will tell you how the candidate will perform compared to the top 25% of Childhood Educators. This provides a quick summary score for the entire report. Simple to understand, fast and effective.

Detailed Results with Clear Commentary

We have proven over three decades of profiling that attitudes and behaviours are what drives performance. While personality counts it doesn't predict how a candidate will perform on the job. That's why the CEP is broken down into three performance measures, these composite scores are then further broken down into 9 job specific behaviours.

So it's time to stop depending on gut-feel and if you like the Candidate's personality. Get the data you need to make the right decisions.

Backed by independent research...

  • Childhood Educator Profiling
    “The Childhood Educator Profile is accurate 83%+ of the time when predicting which candidate will be rated as a top performer by Childcare Centre Directors.”
    Dr. John Michela, Ph.D.
    Director Lead and Founding Director of Waterloo Organizational Research and Consulting Group (WORC Group), University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada), formerly a tenured associate professor at Columbia University

Simple to use...

Send invite > Complete Profile > Receive Report

Easy to start, easy to use

We have been involved in psych profiling since 1998, so we know how you wish to operate. We aim to make the process as simple and effective as possible.

Incorporating our profiles into your recruitment process is simple. All profiles are administered online. Simply enter the candidate’s details and send an “invitation” by email & SMS to the candidate.

Once the candidate has completed the questionnaire, an e-mail is sent to everyone on your distribution list within seconds advising that the profile has been done. Attached to that e-mail is the candidate’s report in a secure format.

No Set-up Fees

There are no set-up costs or fees to get started with the CEP. It's a simple pay-as-you-go service. 

Rapid Implementation

Once you complete our sign-up form we can get you ready to start profiling in 2-3 hours.

Free Unlimited Support

We're available by phone and email for unlimited personal support at no charge.

Invoiced Monthly

We invoice monthly only for the profiles your candidate's use. We can handle multiple locations, franchise systems and head office payment models. Payment is by bank transfer to a local bank account in Aus, NZ, UK, or Singapore. 

Ready to Try a Free Demo?

Make contact below and we'll send you a demo account that includes 2 free profiles.

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